Dr. Faiza Haddam-Bouabdallah is an Associate Professor at the department of English, University of Tlemcen, Algeria.
She received her PhD degree in TEFL (English as a Foreign Language) from the Faculty of Letters and Languages in Tlemcen, Algeria, in 2015. Her thesis is entitled: “ESP Course Design- The Case of Master Students in the Biology Department”. She is a specialist in Didactics, and her research interests is ESP (English for Specific Purposes), as well as Teaching Communication skills through Technology. She was the director of CRE (Job Seeking Club) and a co-director of CDC (A Career Center) from 2017 to 2020; a project launched by the University of Tlemcen in 2017 with the collaboration of ILO (International Labour Organisation) to promote Employment opportunities for Algerian youth and women. This project aimed at bridging the gap between Universities and the labour market and to help students and graduates for their future career in order to prepare them to the job market. She was an active participant in COFFEE Project in 2017, a partnership between the Algerian government and European Union to implement professional Licence Degree in Algeria for different disciplines. She was in charge of Designing a syllabus for teaching Technical English at the Faculty of Engineering at Tlemcen University-Algeria. |
Title: Skill-Based Approach in ESP Highway: From University to The World of Work [IN-PERSON]
By Dr. Faiza Haddam-Bouabdallah
Associate Professor, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
Abstract: In the world of work, economy and globalisation, new visions and strategies are offered by many institutions worldwide to promote knowledge and excellence. This expertise is of paramount importance in strengthening competencies in different domains. Among them is the realm of education, where recent research and projects have arisen, such as transferability from an academic to a professional context. Teaching English as a foreign language is one of the key tools to reach the above mentioned objective, thus individual adult learners have different needs, either academic or professional. Accordingly, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is generally used in such circumstances where the command of English being imparted relates to a specific job, subject, or purpose. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has become one of the most popular scholarly topics over the last decade. It made a leap forward five years later in Algeria to reach prominent status in educational settings. Henceforth, several projects saw the light of day in Algeria and, more particularly, at the University of Tlemcen between 2017 and 2019 to bridge the gap between the university and the world work on the one hand and to promote employability on the other hand. This paper puts under the spotlight these projects and how ESP plays a vital role in fulfilling the target objective through a Skill-based approach; an innovative method for syllabus design to implement professional License at the level of Algerian Universities.
Prof. (Dr.) Peter Shephard is a prolific researcher and writer who also enjoys teaching. He has specialied in the training of trainers, teachers, and school principals. He has authored eight books and is an Adjunct Professor with an International University, teaching at Doctoral level in Africa, Middle East, Asia, and the UK. His areas of research and teaching have been in Education, Learning and Development, Leadership, Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management. He also does cross cultural coaching and orientation for educationists and business expatriates. Earlier in his career, he worked in government, for a US multinational pharmaceutical company and an international airline. He then moved into management consulting, specializing in Human Resources, employee assessment, training, and Visiting Professorships. He has lived and worked in over 15 countries and currently resides in both the UK and Malaysia. Peter has recently been appointed Chairman of The Oxbridge Trust (UK). He is also a Trustee of Oxbridge and Cambridge Global Learning (CGL) and manages CGL’s International Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur and is the Managing Editor for their REALIZE magazine on Learning. |
Title: Our Learning Brain and Enhancing Memory [ONLINE]
By Prof. (Dr.) Peter Shephard
Executive Chairman. Oxbridge Institute of Professional Development – UK
Author, Editor, Reseacher, Lecturer, Coach and Trainer
Abstract: The paper explores the role that chemicals play, especially neurotransmitters, in learning, as well as the importance of emotional connections in memory and recall. Also included is the concept of learning style preferences and how they are more genetically predisposed and shaped by our strong personality traits. It concludes by emphasizing that the more senses (multi-sensory) that are used, and the more talents and intelligences we apply, the stronger will be our laying down of memory traces. Learning starts with our needs, wants, curiousity and perception (Sensing and Interpretaion) and not just the absorption of data and information, and these processes are precursors to learning. This paper builds on this premise and explores other facets of learning such as the role of hormones, especially as some relate to stress and how it can ‘kill’ or inhibit attention, concentration and consequent memory and recall.
Prof. (Dr.) Mustafa Zülküf Altan is a full-time professor in ELT at the Department of Foreign Languages Education at Erciyes University, Türkiye. He has attended numerous conferences both at home and abroad and has over 100 articles, and six books: “Towards Professional Teaching” (2009), 2015 Best Education Research Award winning “The Educational Gridlock of Turkey, Entrepreneurial Teaching, Entrepreneurial Teacher” (2014), “About Teaching, Films and Teachers” (2016), “The Faculty of Education in their Dreams” (2017), “Education Fire” (2019) and “Terror – What If It Is Not” (2021). His research interests include teacher education, teacher development, managing educational change, individual differences in foreign language learning, alternative assessment, intercultural communication and enterprising teaching. |
Title: Our world is changing-And what that means for educators? [ONLINE]
By Prof. Dr. Mustafa Zülküf Altan
Erciyes University, Kayseri-Türkiye
Abstract: The world after COVID-19 is unlikely to return to the world that was. This crisis is alarming since it has several new, unfamiliar and unprecedented features for all areas and sectors. Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine and create a new one. This one is no different. Now the world today must be more inclusive, resilient, flexible and sustainable.
In this speech, I will argue that the pandemic has created a unique opportunity for educational changes that have been proposed before COVID-19 but were never fully understood or implemented mainly focusing on the ever-neglected part of learning and teaching, assessment. Now is the time to rethink what we understand from assessment and redesign how students are assessed and reflect on why we conduct assessments.