Submission Guidelines
Submission guidelines for full-length papers
All papers must have a proper title, abstract & keywords (maximum 5). One keyword may consists of several words (but not more than 3). Please remove all author affiliations from the paper as the conference follow a double-blind review process.
Page layout: A4 page size, 1” margins on all four sides. Use the MyRes2018 Conference Template to prepare your paper.
All tables and figures must have a caption. Captions for tables must be placed at the top of the table while captions for figures must be placed below the figure.
Papers must be in the pdf format. Other formats will not be accepted. Please do not compress (zip) the paper.
Papers must not exceed 10000 words, including references.
All references should strictly follow the APA referencing style (6th edition). Kindly refer to the following websites to write your references.
Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarised materials and have not been submitted to any other conference or journal at the same time.
Authors may also consider submitting extended abstracts (of not more than 1000 words and not less than 400 words) for presentation at the conference. Use the same page layout as for full-length papers. A maximum of 5 keywords can be used as well. Authors are encouraged to include relevant references in the extended abstracts.
To submit your papers (or abstracts) for the conference, please click here.
All papers will be double-blind reviewed and published in a conference proceeding with ISBN: 978-99949-0-384-9. All abstracts will be published in a separate section in the same book.
After the conference, authors may submit their papers to any relevant journal. However, authors will need to follow the requirements and guidelines of the journal where they will submit their paper(s). To help our authors with this process, we have made a list of potential publication venues. Most of the journals are open access, many are free, some are indexed in Scopus, some have Thompson Reuters Web of Science Impact Factors while some have article processing charges. Publication in these journals are not automatic. The papers will undergo another independent review process.
- South African Journal of Science (WoS, Scopus, OA, FTP)
- African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (Scopus, DHET, Thomson Reuters ESCI)
- The Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (Scopus, OA, $100)
- Indian Journal of Science and Technology (WoS, OA, $200)
- Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (Scopus, Thomson Reuters ESCI, PubMed, OA, $1950)
- Journal of Applied BioSciences (AGORA, Google Scholar, WorldCat, OA, $190)
- African Journal of Aquatic Science (WoS, Scopus, DHET, OA)
- International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (WorldCat, Google Scholar, OA, Free to publish for conference participants)
WoS: Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), OA: Open Access, FTP: Free to Publish, i.e. No Article Processing Charges, DHET: Department of Higher Education and Training (South Africa), ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index.